
Cuba: A Destination of Wellness and Life Quality

In a safe environment and with all guarantees for your enjoyment, visitors may choose for the program Respirar to prevent and boost vitality, thought to be comprehensive, holistic, and flexible, meets the latest demands of people after the COVID-19 pandemic

Today, health and wellness tourism has a greater connotation globally. The demand for products related to improvement of life quality and stress mitigation is continuously growing. Hence, medical care of those traveling with that purpose is more specialized.

The interest for health, the optimization of the leisure time, the concern for aesthetics and the maintenance of healthy lifestyle habits set in a very special way the global lifestyle trends of people, who increasingly devote more and more time and income to embarking on trips related to medical, aesthetic, face, and anti-aging treatments, body therapies, massages, and detoxifications, among others.

Alternative therapies are nowadays more significant. They are added to the tourist offer or the attractiveness of certain destinations. Meanwhile, the interest in acupuncture, holistic ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy, reiki, yoga, and meditation techniques keeps growing. In this regard, those suffering from anxiety and depression usually choose specific trips looking for physical and mental well-being services, which include spa treatments and other leisure, relaxation and entertainment activities.

This is, in short, a kind of tourist activity aiming to improve and balance the main areas of human life; namely, the physical, mental, emotional, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual.

The COVID-19 pandemic has speeded up an already under way process such as the personal interest in health care from a preventive and less assistance-based approach. The mental health preservation, so affected these months due to SARS-CoV-2, the concern over having a strong immunological system that can overcome the disease as well as the treatment to post-COVID effects are subjects of general concern.


It is not just about being fashionable. It is crucial to adopt a healthier lifestyle these days. This exceptional opportunity can be found in this Caribbean island. Along with Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos

Cubanos S.A. you could have access to all these services, whether because you decide to travel for that purpose, and rather choose specialized programs; or instead you randomly choose to include in your business or pleasure travel agenda.

One of the latest and creative offers is the program Breathe to prevent and Boots our vitality, designed with a comprehensive, holistic, and flexible approach. The combination of a privileged holiday atmosphere, whether it is the beach, countryside, or city. The most contemporary trends of traditional and natural medicine as well as innovative Cuban biotechnological products —aimed at strengthening the immunological system— stand out in this proposal.

In the different modules, which can be chosen by clients according to their needs and preference, psychological tools to maintain mental balance and self-care like Tai-Chi training by the sea are offered; relaxing body massages, relaxation sessions always under the guidance of an expert, among other things.

One of these modules aims at boosting the immune system with biological immunomodulators in people with gradual deterioration of their immune system caused by aging (older than 60 years old), or patients with risky chronic medical conditions. To achieve it, Biomoduline T is administered to prevent infections, including SARS-CoV-2, and Prevengho-Vir is administered.

The program also showcases natural and traditional Medicine that prevents infections altogether with a consultation with a health specialist. Meanwhile, natural products —rich in key elements for physiological functions like Moringa oleifera, PPG, and Trofin— are handed out in a case.

Another offer is linked to the prevention of dermatological conditions and hair disorders caused by the frequent use of soaps, sodium hypochlorite and other solutions for disinfection. To reverse these disorders, there is a line of products — based on human-placental-derived products— developed at Cuba's Placental Histotherapy Center.






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