Complete Wellbeing Flourishes
Tourism and health converge in harmony by means of comprehensive treatments with all possible technologies and therapies. Besides, there is an innovative addition from India: the ayurvedic medicine —also known as the “science of life”— as well as special offers by the Program Prevenir y renacer (Prevent and Boost Vitality Program) to combat COVID-19
Amid such an environment of splendid nature where tourism and health come together in harmony, a hospital-hotel offers its services: La Pradera International Health Service, located west of Havana, with twenty-five-year experience.
This unique institution embraces the concept and philosophy that health projects as a state of complete wellbeing and balance. Therefore, comprehensive treatments are provided to patients and visitors in which
all possible technologies are mixed depending on the condition of each individual, with the use of state-of-the-art technologies, such as robotics, but also natural and traditional Chinese and Indian medicine.
Dr. Nelly Cristina Valdivia Onega, head of La Pradera, claims that the Center is governed by the Cuban Public Healthcare system, which "means that we stick to promotion, prevention, and work with families," she said.
Regarding the most relevant aspects, she highlights the use of all Cuban biotechnology products: Cimavax-EGF© vaccine against lung cancer, diagnosers produced in the country and the Heberprot-P©, as well as other pharmaceutical drugs.
In the opinion of Dr. Daniel Barrero O'Reilly, Head of the Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, both the solidarity and human warmth offered in La Pradera are essential. In his own words, rehabilitation is the leading service. It is designed to perform in-depth medical examinations both at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. During the process, patients are examined by a multidisciplinary group made up of specialists in physical and rehabilitation medicine, natural and traditional medicine, speech therapists and vocalization, psychologists and clinicians, technologists licensed in Rehabilitation and Physical Culture, all with a high degree of expertise in the health sector.
The Ayurvedic Treatment Center, Casa Panchakarma Dhanvantari, suggests at
first sight how much wellness can now be offered at La Pradera with the incorporation of traditional treatments from India.
According to Dr. Thais Chou Martínez, head of the Center, a team of specialists —doctors, therapists, and graduates in nursing and pharmacy— cares for people with different conditions: high blood pressure, diabetes, and oncological diseases; “we have seen great improvement in those patients' life quality.”
Skin problems have been also treated, especially in patients with no acute condition of the disease, likewise, affective, psychiatric and psychological disorders.
In these programs, the so-called camp method is used, which consists of a continuous therapy for 21 days.
In the training for this new program, specialists highlight the teachings of professor Deepak Acharya, from the Ayus Institute, India.
The Ayurvedic Treatment Center, Casa Panchakarma Dhanvantari, suggests at first sight how much wellness can now be offered at La Pradera with the incorporation of traditional treatments from India
To meet this challenge, the Greatest of Antilles showcases special offers addressed to potential tourists interested in preventive treatments and patients infected by this life-threatening virus —both in serious and critical condition—, and those looking for an in-depth rehabilitation after sequelae or the already known “Long COVID.”
The proposal includes vaccination against COVID-19 —available once concluded this process in Cuba— with the Abdala and Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus vaccines, from the processing of applications by foreign people, according to previously signed and planned agreements by reservation: smc@
La Pradera is one of the institutions where this COVID care program is being implemented. Besides, it boasts a group of specialists in Neurology, Internal Medicine, Psychology, Pneumology, Cardiology, and Physiatrists.
The Institution is already developing programs such as that of relaxation and immunological strengthening, especially for older people, the one dedicated to the strengthening of innate immunity (Biomoduline T + Prevengho-Vir), and that of relaxation and mental health, in addition to the one related to natural medicine and the implementation of Eastern healing methods; the programs for patients infected by SARS-CoV-2 virus in serious and critical condition; and the ones related to postCOVID rehabilitation.
Cuba showcases special offers addressed to tourists interested in preventive treatments and patients infected by this life-threatening virus, and those looking for an in-depth rehabilitation after sequelae or the already known “Long COVID”
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